Source code for queries.session

"""The Session class allows for a unified (and simplified) view of
interfacing with a PostgreSQL database server.

Connection details are passed in as a PostgreSQL URI and connections are pooled
by default, allowing for reuse of connections across modules in the Python
runtime without having to pass around the object handle.

While you can still access the raw `psycopg2` connection and cursor objects to
provide ultimate flexibility in how you use the queries.Session object, there
are convenience methods designed to simplify the interaction with PostgreSQL.
For `psycopg2` functionality outside of what is exposed in Session, simply
use the Session.connection or Session.cursor properties to gain access to
either object just as you would in a program using psycopg2 directly.

Example usage:

.. code:: python

    import queries

    with queries.Session('pgsql://postgres@localhost/postgres') as session:
        for row in session.Query('SELECT * FROM table'):
            print row

import hashlib
import logging

import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import extensions, extras

from queries import pool, results, utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_URI = 'postgresql://localhost:5432'

[docs]class Session(object): """The Session class allows for a unified (and simplified) view of interfacing with a PostgreSQL database server. The Session object can act as a context manager, providing automated cleanup and simple, Pythonic way of interacting with the object. :param str uri: PostgreSQL connection URI :param psycopg2.extensions.cursor: The cursor type to use :param int pool_idle_ttl: How long idle pools keep connections open :param int pool_max_size: The maximum size of the pool to use """ _conn = None _cursor = None _tpc_id = None _uri = None # Connection status constants INTRANS = extensions.STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION PREPARED = extensions.STATUS_PREPARED READY = extensions.STATUS_READY SETUP = extensions.STATUS_SETUP # Transaction status constants TX_ACTIVE = extensions.TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE TX_IDLE = extensions.TRANSACTION_STATUS_IDLE TX_INERROR = extensions.TRANSACTION_STATUS_INERROR TX_INTRANS = extensions.TRANSACTION_STATUS_INTRANS TX_UNKNOWN = extensions.TRANSACTION_STATUS_UNKNOWN def __init__(self, uri=DEFAULT_URI, cursor_factory=extras.RealDictCursor, pool_idle_ttl=pool.DEFAULT_IDLE_TTL, pool_max_size=pool.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE, autocommit=True): """Connect to a PostgreSQL server using the module wide connection and set the isolation level. :param str uri: PostgreSQL connection URI :param psycopg2.extensions.cursor: The cursor type to use :param int pool_idle_ttl: How long idle pools keep connections open :param int pool_max_size: The maximum size of the pool to use """ self._pool_manager = pool.PoolManager.instance() self._uri = uri # Ensure the pool exists in the pool manager if not in self._pool_manager: self._pool_manager.create(, pool_idle_ttl, pool_max_size) self._conn = self._connect() self._cursor_factory = cursor_factory self._cursor = self._get_cursor(self._conn) self._autocommit(autocommit) @property def backend_pid(self): """Return the backend process ID of the PostgreSQL server that this session is connected to. :rtype: int """ return self._conn.get_backend_pid()
[docs] def callproc(self, name, args=None): """Call a stored procedure on the server, returning the results in a :py:class:`queries.Results` instance. :param str name: The procedure name :param list args: The list of arguments to pass in :rtype: queries.Results :raises: queries.DataError :raises: queries.DatabaseError :raises: queries.IntegrityError :raises: queries.InternalError :raises: queries.InterfaceError :raises: queries.NotSupportedError :raises: queries.OperationalError :raises: queries.ProgrammingError """ try: self._cursor.callproc(name, args) except psycopg2.Error as err: self._incr_exceptions() raise err finally: self._incr_executions() return results.Results(self._cursor)
[docs] def close(self): """Explicitly close the connection and remove it from the connection pool if pooling is enabled. If the connection is already closed :raises: psycopg2.InterfaceError """ if not self._conn: raise psycopg2.InterfaceError('Connection not open')'Closing connection %r in %s', self._conn,, self._conn) self._pool_manager.remove_connection(, self._conn) # Un-assign the connection and cursor self._conn, self._cursor = None, None
@property def connection(self): """Return the current open connection to PostgreSQL. :rtype: psycopg2.extensions.connection """ return self._conn @property def cursor(self): """Return the current, active cursor for the open connection. :rtype: psycopg2.extensions.cursor """ return self._cursor @property def encoding(self): """Return the current client encoding value. :rtype: str """ return self._conn.encoding @property def notices(self): """Return a list of up to the last 50 server notices sent to the client. :rtype: list """ return self._conn.notices @property def pid(self): """Return the pool ID used for connection pooling. :rtype: str """ return hashlib.md5(':'.join([self.__class__.__name__, self._uri]).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
[docs] def query(self, sql, parameters=None): """A generator to issue a query on the server, mogrifying the parameters against the sql statement. Results are returned as a :py:class:`queries.Results` object which can act as an iterator and has multiple ways to access the result data. :param str sql: The SQL statement :param dict parameters: A dictionary of query parameters :rtype: queries.Results :raises: queries.DataError :raises: queries.DatabaseError :raises: queries.IntegrityError :raises: queries.InternalError :raises: queries.InterfaceError :raises: queries.NotSupportedError :raises: queries.OperationalError :raises: queries.ProgrammingError """ try: self._cursor.execute(sql, parameters) except psycopg2.Error as err: self._incr_exceptions() raise err finally: self._incr_executions() return results.Results(self._cursor)
[docs] def set_encoding(self, value=DEFAULT_ENCODING): """Set the client encoding for the session if the value specified is different than the current client encoding. :param str value: The encoding value to use """ if self._conn.encoding != value: self._conn.set_client_encoding(value)
def __del__(self): """When deleting the context, ensure the instance is removed from caches, etc. """ self._cleanup() def __enter__(self): """For use as a context manager, return a handle to this object instance. :rtype: Session """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """When leaving the context, ensure the instance is removed from caches, etc. """ self._cleanup() def _autocommit(self, autocommit): """Set the isolation level automatically to commit or not after every query :param autocommit: Boolean (Default - True) """ self._conn.autocommit = autocommit def _cleanup(self): """Remove the connection from the stack, closing out the cursor""" if self._cursor: LOGGER.debug('Closing the cursor on %s', self._cursor.close() self._cursor = None if self._conn: LOGGER.debug('Freeing %s in the pool', try: pool.PoolManager.instance().free(, self._conn) except pool.ConnectionNotFoundError: pass self._conn = None def _connect(self): """Connect to PostgreSQL, either by reusing a connection from the pool if possible, or by creating the new connection. :rtype: psycopg2.extensions.connection :raises: pool.NoIdleConnectionsError """ # Attempt to get a cached connection from the connection pool try: connection = self._pool_manager.get(, self) LOGGER.debug("Re-using connection for %s", except pool.NoIdleConnectionsError: if self._pool_manager.is_full( raise # Create a new PostgreSQL connection kwargs = utils.uri_to_kwargs(self._uri) LOGGER.debug("Creating a new connection for %s", connection = self._psycopg2_connect(kwargs) self._pool_manager.add(, connection) self._pool_manager.lock(, connection, self) # Added in because psycopg2ct connects and leaves the connection in # a weird state: consts.STATUS_DATESTYLE, returning from # Connection._setup without setting the state as const.STATUS_OK if utils.PYPY: connection.reset() # Register the custom data types self._register_unicode(connection) self._register_uuid(connection) return connection def _get_cursor(self, connection, name=None): """Return a cursor for the given cursor_factory. Specify a name to use server-side cursors. :param connection: The connection to create a cursor on :type connection: psycopg2.extensions.connection :param str name: A cursor name for a server side cursor :rtype: psycopg2.extensions.cursor """ cursor = connection.cursor(name=name, cursor_factory=self._cursor_factory) if name is not None: cursor.scrollable = True cursor.withhold = True return cursor def _incr_exceptions(self): """Increment the number of exceptions for the current connection.""" self._pool_manager.get_connection(, self._conn).exceptions += 1 def _incr_executions(self): """Increment the number of executions for the current connection.""" self._pool_manager.get_connection(, self._conn).executions += 1 def _psycopg2_connect(self, kwargs): """Return a psycopg2 connection for the specified kwargs. Extend for use in async session adapters. :param dict kwargs: Keyword connection args :rtype: psycopg2.extensions.connection """ return psycopg2.connect(**kwargs) @staticmethod def _register_unicode(connection): """Register the cursor to be able to receive Unicode string. :type connection: psycopg2.extensions.connection :param connection: Where to register things """ psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE, connection) psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.UNICODEARRAY, connection) @staticmethod def _register_uuid(connection): """Register the UUID extension from the psycopg2.extra module :type connection: psycopg2.extensions.connection :param connection: Where to register things """ psycopg2.extras.register_uuid(conn_or_curs=connection) @property def _status(self): """Return the current connection status as an integer value. The status should match one of the following constants: - queries.Session.INTRANS: Connection established, in transaction - queries.Session.PREPARED: Prepared for second phase of transaction - queries.Session.READY: Connected, no active transaction :rtype: int """ if self._conn.status == psycopg2.extensions.STATUS_BEGIN: return self.READY return self._conn.status